The long haul to today...
Hood River Gorge and the Orgeon Coast
Happy belated New Years!!! It's been a busy few months for me and every other 4th yr medical student in the country. Interview time kept me pretty busy non-stop in Dec and Jan as I decided upon the lucky city that will host me for the next 3 years while I complete a residency in Internal Medicine. While spending time among the contenders I had beach vacas in LA and Miami, a nature extravaganza in Portland (the perfect city), ski breaks in Salt Lake and Denver, dreamed of sailing in Providence, went country in North Carolina and punk rock in NYC. For those of you less familiar with the process, "the Match" can be a bit confusing...First you decide what programs you would like to get to know better. Then if they like the look of you they ask to meet up for a chat (kind of like Internet dating I suppose). If you think they look good, you go for a visit, eat lots of free food and couch surf your way across the country looking up every long lost friend in your address book (all which is a pleasure in and of itself). Then when you finish interviewing in Jan, you make a list of programs you would be willing to commit to in order of preference. The programs do the same with the prospective residents. Then a big computer program in D.C. puts the two lists together and on March 15th you have a great big party and find out who loves you the most! My rank list goes in the next couple of weeks and I'll let you know where it all leads... In the meantime I thought I would offer some pretty pics taken during the oh-so-rough process. Sometimes life is so hard = )
Venice Beach- California
Labels: The long haul to today...